Sarajevo, August, 2018 – Former St. Louis Bosnians, Inc. scholarship recipients Enis Memic and Adnan Jahic, delivered a $18,300 check to the Sarajevo based non-profit Pomozi in support of their program to provide meals to youth with low income families–Lunch for Students. 

Funds were collected during the month of June via our Facebook donations, private donations, and through donation boxes in local businesses in St. Louis, Missouri.

Through the project, Pomozi is funding meals for middle school students in more than 40 schools across Bosnia and Herzegovina. Students come from low income families who would normally not be able to afford a lunch if it weren’t for monetary donations. For many student participants, the lunch they receive in school may be their only food for the entire day. Last year alone Pomozi helped more than 900 students with a goal to increase that number this school year.

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With our $18,300 donation toward the program, our organization and our community in St. Louis is the largest donor for the Lunch for Students program. Our donation is equivalent to roughly a little over 30,000BAM in local currency, and translates into hundreds of students having a meal every school day for the entire school year.

Please continue to follow our work as we will continue to collaborate with the Lunch for Students program throughout the year in an effort to transparently offer you information.

On behalf of St. Louis Bosnians, Inc., Pomozi, and student recipients, we would like to extend a warm thank you to all of our donors, supporters, and volunteers who are making our programs possible.

Record donation to Pomozi’s Lunch for Students Program
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